Graduating from any university is an achievement in itself, finding a job that is remotely related to what you studied is another story. Over 25 000 students graduating from Ontario universities in 2011 responded to a survey delving into the employment levels of various undergraduate programs. According to the Council of Ontario, since graduating in 2011, 87% of students found a job within 6 months. Two years after graduating, the numbers rose in many programs to over 95%. Only a few degrees resulted in a 100% employment rate just 6 months after graduation.
  1. Medicine
  2. Optometry
  3. Therapy and Rehabilitation
Two years after graduation, 100% of these students were employed.
  1. Medicine
  2. Optometry
  3. Therapy and Rehabilitation
  4. Dentistry
  5. Forestry
  6. Veterinary Medicine
Many other graduates in the Arts, Social Sciences and Theology fields were not as lucky with employment rates hitting lows of 82% after 6 months. The study also focused on the relationship between the jobs and their related skills acquired at university. 6 Months after graduation, over 82% considered their job to be in line with their skills while over 17% declared that it was unrelated. These numbers decreased when questioned whether their subject matter learned at varsity was related to that of their current job. 6 Months after graduation, just under 79% of graduates said there was a match while 27% said there was no correlation. While the average annual salary of these undergraduates was $49.398, the highest-paid graduates with 2 years of experience were those that studied Dentistry with an annual salary of $99 000. The lowest compensation for undergraduate programs was found to be humanities which only managed an average of $38 000.