Before you arrive in Canada, you would have had many personal and household belongings that you cannot bear to part with. If you stick to this list of approved items, immigrating will be hassle-free. A duty fee will not have to be paid on these items if you have used them before immigrating.

  1. Antiques
  2. Appliances, such as a stove or refrigerator
  3. Books
  4. Clothes
  5. Furniture
  6. Hobby tools and other hobby items
  7. Jewelry
  8. Linens
  9. Musical instruments
  10. Private collections of coins, stamps or art
  11. Silverware
  12. Gifts (worth CDN $60 or less each)
  13. Pets: Must fit the official guidelines
  14. Cars: Must be checked first for safety and pollution standards.

If you can keep your receipts for items purchased before you immigrated, this can be helpful. Your electronics may require different plugs to those found in Canada, be mindful of what you will find necessary.