Why Manitoba?

A large portion of what the world knows about Manitoba depends on motion picture mentions including the odd title of Slurpee Capital of the World and the fact that we’ve been colder than Mars. NASA even named a plot of land on the red planet after our capital city, Winnipeg. However, past these intergalactic awards, Manitoba is really a quite clever spot here on Earth, with commitments to the world's wildlife wonders, outdoor wonders, and top of the line celebrations. Situated in central Canada, Manitoba is one of Canada's three Prairie Provinces. Manitoba homes over 1 272 000 people with its capital city, Winnipeg exceeding 780 000 people. Manitoba boasts over 100 000 lakes and waterways.

Job Industries

Manitoba has a respectably solid economy construct generally with respect to its natural resources. Manitoba’s major thriving industries are mining, manufacturing, agriculture, and farming as of late. This makes Manitoba the nation’s largest producer of dry beans and sunflower seeds, as well as the leading source of potatoes, supplying potatoes to some of the major commercial chains such as McDonald’s and Wendy’s. The economy is expected to continue growing, providing more and more job opportunities and job creation. The Government of Manitoba provides projects to help migrants settle and find jobs in the region.


Canada as a whole is widely known for its high level of education, within good reason; over half of Canada’s residents have college degrees. There are five colleges in Manitoba, controlled by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Literacy. Four of these colleges are in Winnipeg. The University of Manitoba; the University of Winnipeg, a human sciences school located downtown; Université de Saint-Boniface, the territory's lone French-dialect college; and the Canadian Mennonite University, a religious-based foundation. The Université de Saint-Boniface, built up in 1818 and now partnered with the University of Manitoba, is the most seasoned college in Western Canada. Brandon University, framed in 1899 and situated in Brandon, is the area's exclusive college not in Winnipeg.


Manitoba is generally a sunny province, with clear skies all year round. However, because of the flat landscapes, it’s a lot more exposed to cold. Summer highs at 26°C with winter lows at -23°C on average. Despite all you have heard, Canadians quite enjoy their climate and for the newcomers, adaption is key.


As if visiting Manitoba isn’t a celebration on its own, they have found other reasons to celebrate. Manitoba offers a wide variety of popular events and festivals every year. Festival du Voyageur- This is a 10-day event which celebrates Canada’s fur trading history, all things French-Canadian and the voyagers who worked the fur trade back in the day. This is more of an interactive and educational festival that includes entertainment. Winnipeg Wine Festival: This is one of the top 15 events and festivals that take place in Manitoba. This event invites the public to sample over 515 wines from wineries in and around Winnipeg as well as sample wines from all around the globe. This is one of the largest and most popular and most respected festivals in the country. Folklorama-  Another popular festival is the Folklorama Festival, the largest and longest-running multicultural festival in the world.  The Folklorama Festival presents more than 44 social structures where visitors can test ethnic food, meet traditionally costumed volunteers, appreciate vivacious social amusement, intuitive fun and find out about societies and nations from around the globe. Folklorama attracts close to a million guests every year.

Where to Live

A major factor contributing to Manitoba’s popularity is its low cost of housing. The region's residential housing market is exceptionally competitive with the average housing cost setting you back by $271,000, which is among the lowest of any area in Canada. The normal rate of family-wage taken up by proprietorship costs differs between 15-30%.

Manitoba culture

Manitoba has for some time been the home to an exceptionally unique mix of various cultures. Multiculturalism, which is a common thread throughout Canada, has been grasped emphatically by Manitobans. Manitoba enjoys many distinctive ethnic celebrations every year, highlighting the equality of the different social groups in the region.

Fun Facts about Manitoba

  • The childhood character Winnie the Pooh was owned by a Winnipegger and coins its name from Winnipeg
  • Churchill is known as the “Polar Bear Capital of the World” but also homes over 25 000 beluga whales.
  • Winnipeg has the longest skating rink in the world, which is naturally, the frozen Red and Assiniboine Rover which stretches over a length of 8.5 kilometers.


Manitoba’s untouched natural beauty will leave you captivated as you journey on an unexpected adventure.