
Agency Reviews


About PwC


PwC Law LLP is a “leading” immigration consultancy law firm offering Canadian, American and worldwide immigration legitimate services. With over 20 years of experience in immigration law, PwC Law has quite a reputation. PwC Law LLP claims to take a “holistic” approach to an immigration matter, and have a staff of over 600 immigration specialists. Let’s see just how true this is. There is no visible ICCRC branding such as the logo on the website. We came across 4 names of immigration service leaders however no mention of an RCIC or their ICCRC code. They have members of firms located globally.

Website and Services

Upon visiting the home page of PwC Law LLP, we felt that it was well designed and professional looking. After a few downward scrolls, we found both their Privacy Policy page and Terms & Conditions page right there in the footer. These vital documents are far too easily forgotten these days. The Privacy Policy has revised a few months ago, on 13 June 2019, which means they’re on top of things. The policy was defined in rigorous detail ensuring that nothing is missed or overlooked. The same goes for the Terms & Conditions as great detail and thorough work was put into these documents, which was last updated on June 14, 2018. The overall design of this website was quite basic and it’s straightforward and easy to use, user-friendly at its best. The services offered by PwC include work and temporary visas, citizenship and permanent applications, co-ordinated worldwide migration, immigration audits, drafting mobility policies, advice on entry permission for inward investors as well as personalized immigration assistance. They also seem to help with employment, entity governance and compliance, international business structuring and M&A. We were quite impressed by the number of services offered.

Social Media

PwC Law LLP has Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Youtube accounts, as well as a blog. Their LinkedIn account seems to be active with the relevant and regular post on their feed and plenty of interaction, with over 2 million followers. Twitter has 131k followers and over 10k tweets consisting of relevant and up to date varied topics to match their varied range of services provided. Facebook seems to be less active than it’s other platforms, with 351,513 followers and less regular posting but relevant to their services, however no much to do with immigration. Youtube follows in the footsteps of its Facebook page, with 20,415 subscribers. It had regular video uploads however none seem to be related to immigration.


We believe that PwC Law LLP may be able to handle your immigration requirements however we cannot confirm whether or not they are in good standing with the ICCRC as credentials are not lacking on the website. The information is also vague and unspecified regarding the immigration process and requirements. For the most part, we are quite happy with what we have found in PwC Law LLP, though we would like to see more social media action regarding immigration and in general on their Facebook page. Our only concern is that immigration legal services seem to be an added service rather than expertise.