
Agency Reviews


About New Beginnings Immigration Services

New Beginnings Immigration Services is an independent Canadian immigration consultancy operating out of Calgary and offers opportunities to foreign nationals looking to work, study, visit, travel or live permanently in the country. This independent consultancy has a mission β€œto make Canadian Immigration easy to access for everyone and to deliver sound, reliable and thorough immigration advice and assistance by simplifying the immigration process for qualified clients and their families.” They further go on to say that it is their duty to deliver β€œa holistic, professional approach and continually improve [their] services to meet the highest standards [to] fully satisfy clients.”

The person in charge of handling their Canadian immigration services is Mary Ann Go, a member of the ICCRC and also a Commissioner of Oath and paralegal. Being an immigrant herself, Ms. Go understands the immigration process firsthand and has apparently witnessed the struggles and hassles that newcomers face. Mary Ann Go has not only completed and passed the Immigration Consultant Certificate Program (#R508947) she is also authorized by Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

Website and Services

As previously mentioned, the website is refreshingly straightforward and user-friendly. They have provided all of the necessary information on the website with extra tabs such as an FAQ and a β€˜Living in Canada’ page which introduces the immigrant to the other aspects of immigration process as well as other useful links to get better acquainted with Canadian life. New Beginnings have not included terms and conditions or privacy policy on the site. We were thoroughly impressed by the candid approach this consultancy takes – no fancy enticing words, no sugar-coating, just an honest representation of who they are and what they do. Their main focus is to β€œhelp people start a new life” and in doing so, β€œdeliver sound, reliable and thorough immigration advice and assistance by simplifying the immigration process for qualified clients and their families.” Their services extend to assisting immigrants to obtain temporary visas such as study, work, and visitor as well as the permanent options which include skilled worker and family visas. New Beginnings has provided a list of affiliated bodies they work in coalition with to make the process easier. These affiliates are as follows:
  • Rotary Club – QC North, Chapter 3708
  • Toastmaster Club
  • Alberta Association of Professional Paralegal – member
  • CPD House- P. D. L. E. S – Professional Development and Legal Education Society-member
  • Member of Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC)

Social Media

Links to the social media platforms of New Beginnings Immigration can be found in the header of the website. The link to the Facebook account leads to an expired or closed page, so we are not able to review this. The Twitter page is quite poor, having a following of only 27 people and is extremely outdated. The last post made was in June of 2015. 


There are no indicators that New Beginnings Immigration Services could be a scam and we were also impressed by their honest approach. Despite their lack of terms and conditions or privacy policy, they seem to know what they are doing and they also have many affiliations that add credibility to their name.