Agency Reviews
About Ackah Business Immigration Law Firm
Ackah Business Immigration Law Firm is a Boutique Law Firm based in Calgary, Alberta. It was founded by Evelyn Ackah who is also the Managing Lawyer at the firm. Evelyn Ackah has been practicing law since 1999, she is recognized by the Law Society of Upper Canada and the Law Society of Alberta. This boutique law firm focusses exclusively on immigration law and business immigration law. Ackah Immigration aims to provide strategic counsel for their clients and they are passionate about finding the best option for you. The firm also has an Associate Lawyer and a Contract US Attorney.
The Website
At first glance, the website for Ackah Business Immigration Law seems empty with no real information to look through. But we found that this was not the case as there is a great deal of interesting and emotive content to go through. We can see from reading the bio on Evelyn Ackah and Kim Pryhitko that the firm is very passionate about what they do. On the website, it also indicates that Evelyn was recognized by the Who’s Who Legal Organization as an expert in Corporate Immigration Law. Evelyn has also helped raise millions of dollars to help move women and their children of low-income out of poverty. Evelyn likes to give back to the community and is very active in charities. Ackah Business Immigration Law Firm offers students the opportunity to do their articles at the law firm and they also offer job posts at the firm. The website for Ackah Business Immigration Law was created in 2011, it has a privacy policy but no refund policy or terms and conditions.
Social Media
Links to the social media platforms of Ackah can be found in the footer of their home page. The Facebook page has a following of a little over 1,600 people. The posts are very regular which is good. Their Twitter page reflects this effort, despite only having 331 followers.
Our Conclusion
Ackah Business Immigration Law Firm seems extremely passionate about the work that they do and it is echoed in the words on the website. Evelyn Ackah is a qualified and passionate woman and she is knowledgeable about immigration and the processes that are involved. What we can fault Ackah Business Immigration Law firm on is the lack of important documents like the terms and conditions and refund policy. As lawyers, they should understand how important these documents are. If you have dealt with Ackah Business Immigration Law Firm please leave a review in our reviews section below.