How Points are Awarded

The CRS award points for a competitor's age, level of education, dialect capacity in English and/or French, work experience (both in Canada and abroad), whether he or she has a job offer in Canada, and whether a Canadian province has issued him or her a selection certificate through one of the upgraded Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) categories. Extra points might be granted to competitors who acquire a province-recognized certificate of qualifications in a trade. Certain variables and combinations of elements are rewarded more than others. In addition, hopefuls with an accompanying spouse, common-law or conjugal partner see a slight contrast in how the different variables are weighted, as certain spousal components are additionally checked.

Increasing a CRS Score

The subtleties of the system ensure that there are various courses in which a hopeful in the pool can build his or her positioning. These subtleties are imperative, as even a slight change in one component, for instance, enhancing a language ability from beginner level to advance, can have tremendous benefit outcomes on one's positioning. Albeit many potential enhancements may appear glaringly evident, others are not all that obvious.


Education is an exceedingly esteemed component under the CRS. There is much to consider on this front, however, we'll start with hopefuls who enter the pool under the CEC program. Despite the fact that FSWC competitors who studied outside Canada must prove their education credential(s) by showing an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA), CEC hopefuls may enter the pool without an ECA or Canadian qualification. Some CEC applicants may enter the pool, sit back, and await an ITA. They could be waiting quite a while, and often in vain, but they can expand their score by having their level(s) of education evaluated. Doing this could add 200 points—150 for human capital, with a rewarded 50 in combination with Canadian work experience and/or language ability. Having a bachelor’s degree evaluated can bring up to 170 points. All in all, educated CEC applicants in the pool with no ECA, have no excuses to not get an ECA as soon as possible. Moreover, the higher your level of education, in a sense, can be beneficial. A few short courses is all it could take to complete a degree, diploma or certificate that would likely increase your ranking under the CRS.


Language is another vital element, as it is worth up to 260 points. Well-spoken English and/or French speakers may have boosted their points potential on a section to the pool. Applicants with room for improvements in language test results, ought to consider preparing for re-taking a test. Any change over any of the four capacities (talking, writing, reading, and listening) may bring a corresponding improvement in CRS positioning, however, the huge result happens when an applicant achieves an initial advanced level (Canadian Language Benchmark 9) easily. When this happens, he or she may trigger a higher edge in the combination factors and get up to 100 points, notwithstanding the points gained for the language factor.


Albeit Canadian work experience is more esteemed than non-Canadian work experience, the latter is, in any case, a factor within the combinations. For instance, a competitor with solid language skills (CLB 9 or better), yet who has but a couple of years of skilled work experience outside Canada, might be awarded 25 points. When he or she includes the third year of experience, an extra 25 points might be granted. It is also recommended that candidates update their profile with any extra work experience, regardless of the fact that it doesn't directly expand CRS scores. This may help a candidate eligible for a PNP category.

Provincial Nominee Program

Each of the above sections has touched on the truth that each change to a candidate's profile may likewise bring the applicant closer to being qualified to apply to an Express Entry PNP category, and this is truly where the huge increases are to be found. We're talking 600 points. An ITA at a resulting draw and a straight pathway to permanent residence. To accomplish this, it's imperative to show your full education and work record, stay updated on Canadian immigration news, and have your documents prepared and reviewed in preparation to make an application immediately. PNP categories regularly open and close swiftly, often times within days or even hours.


The skills transferability factors which are also known as combinations are an often forgotten or underrated area for boosting a CRS ranking. These are great success contributors. Ever so often candidates are zoomed in on one or two areas that they miss the host of other opportunities, combinations are great for improving your CRS score.

Networking and Getting a Job Offer

Getting a Canadian job offer from abroad is a troublesome, however not impossible task. The task gets much more reasonable, if your network, make connections, and secure meetings. Employers, for the most part, like to meet with potential workers in person, and along these lines, potential applicants in Canada have an advantage. Genuine candidates for immigration to Canada ought to consider taking the time and opportunity to make a visit to Canada in planning for the major life decision they are taking. Before coming, they can set up meetings and networking opportunities and maybe even organize the visit with an employment fair or similar recruitment event. Visiting Canada puts candidates at a major advantage of landing a skilled job, which may also increase their PNP options.