As indicated by a public statement from Montréal International, the program will consolidate exercises, such as workshops with the MIDI, exercises for students, job fairs, and outreach. It is trusted that the venture will give a plan for other organizations across Quebec to actualize comparative activities to hold international students after graduation. In teaming up with this initiative, the MIDI has opened two online assets to international students in Quebec; Francisation en ligne and Service d'intégration en ligne so as to help people with French language learning and integration. There is likewise a recently-launched data site targeted at universal students and temporary residents who wish to make Quebec their long haul home. Speaking at the declaration of the new venture Quebec’s Minister of Immigration, Kathleen Weil said, “The new initiative shows that the Government of Québec is determined to step up its efforts to get as many young international students as possible to stay in Québec, particularly in Greater Montréal. They have a Québec degree, speak French, and are already familiar with our society and culture. They are the best we can get and we want them to stay and help our economy grow.” Quebec’s Minister of International Relations and La Francophonie, Christine St-Pierre also added, “Encouraging international students to settle here is a strategic move that will benefit our society in many ways by raising Québec’s international profile and strengthening our position in global research networks. The initiative is consistent with Québec’s future international policy.”
Permanent residence
Global alumni from Quebec institutions may apply for a Quebec Selection Certificate (Certificat de séléction du Québec, or CSQ), with which they may then apply to the government for permanent residence status. The region offers an optimized plan of attack Quebec Experience Class (Program d'expérience québécoise, or PEQ) aimed at people with work experience in Quebec, or a diploma from a Quebec post-secondary institution. Through this program, qualified graduates may get a CSQ in roughly 20 days.