Canada is a popular destination for Indians wanting to immigrate. Growing in size from the early 1900s when the first Punjab farmers arrived in British Columbia, the community of Indians that now reside across Canada has reached an all-time high. Since the 1960s especially, all types of Indian professionals including doctors, professors and scientists have sought to migrate to Canada from India. Over 30 000 Indians are expected to immigrate each year and there are many reasons why this is so.

How does life differ in Canada from India?


Your cost of living will be higher as Canada is rated as being one of the most expensive countries in the world, however, salaries are in line with these costs. Comparing the costs of India to Canada, you will pay 181.63 rupees more for milk, 100 rupees more for bread and 71.78 rupees more for a Coke in Canada. It is still possible to find Halaal food in various supermarkets and takeaway places. Life is very different in Canada with a colder climate dropping below -10 degrees at times with heavy snow and rain yet summer stays mild with an average temperature of 22 degrees. Canada also has a lower density of people per km with large stretches of incredible scenery and mountainous backdrops attracting people to the area. Canadians may have a less conservative lifestyle than what you may be used to with vibrant nightlife and drinking though residents do need to be 18 or 19 years of age depending on the city. If you are thinking of moving your family including your children, you will be happy to know that education in Canada is rated as one of the best in English speaking countries.

Which city should I choose to live in?


Vancouver skyline

If you are immigrating to Canada from India, you will find that large Indian communities are primarily found in Toronto and Greater Vancouver. Almost 51% of the Indian community resides in Toronto and have an overwhelming majority in the picturesque town of Brampton. Canada’s largest Hindu temple and Sikh Gurdwara can be found in Toronto, built by the Indo-Canadian community. Some areas of the country including Montreal are primarily French-speaking. If you speak English well, some of the best parts provinces to live in are British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario.

What is the culture and religion of Indo-Canadians?


Shri Swaminarayan Mandir Toronto is located in Etobicoke

There are many places of worship in the larger cities across Canada. When considering whether to migrate to Canada from India, religion will probably play a large role in your decision. There are over 175 Sikh societies while Hindu temples and mosques are plentiful and can be found across the country. The cultural and religious aspects of Indian lifestyles are not lost with a multitude of religious events and festivals organized by the Indian community. The Indian culture thrives in these communities and many youths maintain a consistent balance between the Western and Eastern cultures. Each province has a collection of Hindu temples, Gurdwaras, temples and mosques, catering to any religious affiliation.

What are my job prospects?


Immigrating to Canada from India does mean that there may be a language barrier as English and French are the primary languages spoken in the country. Learning to speak English or French offers a greater opportunity to find a job in your field. Canada has a high demand for working professionals including that of doctors, nurses, and professors while the agricultural and technological sectors are ever-expanding and require skilled blue and white-collar workers. Indian cuisine has become a popular delicacy among Canadians, providing opportunities to open restaurants with many jobs opening in the hospitality industry across the major cities.

Activities in the Indian communities


Canada caters to all religions and includes many associations including the Indian Canada Cultural Association (ICCA) which celebrates immigrants and new residents. Many events are organized by the group including Diwali celebrations and talent shows in the local communities. Canadians love to spend their time in the beautiful outdoors with walks, cycling and a love for winter sports.

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